The City of Rock Hill Announces McGirt Auditorium Renovations
On September 12, 2023, the City of Rock Hill held a ceremony to announce renovation plans for McGirt Auditorium at Emmett Scott Recreation Center. Mayor John Gettys and City Councilmembers Derrick Lindsay and Perry Sutton spoke about the facility’s history, and its impact on the community. City officials and community members demolished a pre-made brick wall in front of the auditorium in honor of the renovations to come.
Prior to being a recreation center, the facility was the first public school for African Americans in Rock Hill. In 1960, the Emmett Scott School opened McGirt Auditorium which was used for homecomings, pageants, student assemblies and performances. The Emmett Scott School was closed when South Carolina schools were desegregated in 1970 and became a recreation center. The center and auditorium have been a place for neighborhood connection ever since. The renovated auditorium will provide a new, modern space for events and conferences, cultural performances, reunions, competitions, and more.
The renovation will consist of updating the existing lobby, restrooms, stage area, stage lights, the sound system, curtains, and dressing rooms. Additional work will include renovation of the existing courtyard with new exterior canopies and landscaping.
DP3 Architects is privileged to design facilities that serve local communities. We look forward to working with The City of Rock Hill on the McGirt Auditorium renovation through the remainder of the design process and throughout construction.